
CEDA through unique approach promotes ecology as a science that studies relationship between lining beings, their impact on environment, and impact of environment on them.
“We have not inherited the land from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children.” Lester Brown
Ecology and ecological laws are of great importance for modern man. With an adequate knowledge of ecology, man can use nature for his own needs, without at the same time significantly disturbing the harmony of natural relations in it.
The NGO CEDA is committed to adopting an ecological way of thinking and acting.
NGO CEDA organizes projects, trainings and workshops aimed at affirming ecology as a “natural balance” in which human beings benefit from nature, but also have an obligation to protect nature and thus ensure continuity of resources for future generations.
NGO CEDA pays special attention to projects aimed at using Information and Communication Technologies (ITC) in optimizing the use of available natural and other resources, development of environmental innovation, promotion of sustainable development and “Smart Cities”.
We work on ecological education of children, youth and others, educate them about sustainable developmnet, environment protection, conservation of natural resourcesand rational use of them, consequently preserving humans health.
Ekologija Ecology Ökologie NVO CEORA

What is actually ecological culture?

It is a mix of processes and phenomena of the individual and the group that are directed towards nature, towards relationships in the environment, work habits, environmental education, maintaining health and improving awareness and quality of life in general.
Ecological culture is a part of general culture and it is a special human quality in relation to nature and living beings in general.
It is a part of everyday life, and its main part is development and environmental awareness.
Ecological awareness cultivates and includes the readiness of each individual to live in harmony with nature through the culture of living, preserving and maintaining green areas, maintaining general hygiene of the space and environment in which he lives, growing flowers, maintaining picnic areas, building urban culture and responsibility to nature and horticulture.
Ecological information is very important, because it means how much citizens are generally aware of environmental problems, phenomena, biodiversity and their vulnerability, as well as the importance of the environment in which we live, and maintaining its cleanliness and balance in it.